
蘋果新申請專利- 續航力可長達數周的氫燃料電池

英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)今天報導,矢志走在時代尖端的蘋果,最近遞交專利申請,為自家產品研發新能源。這些申請似乎大膽預言,電子裝置使用數日甚至數周後才需要充電。申請書指出:「這種燃料電池與相關燃料可望在體積和重量達到能量高密度,可望使攜帶式電子裝置持續運作數日甚至數周,而無需充電。」

充滿傳奇性的蘋果共同創辦人賈伯斯去世後,新電池技術的突破或許能為蘋果注入強心針。 (來源: 中央社)


The disclosed embodiments relate to the design of a fuel cell system which is capable of both providing power to and receiving power from a rechargeable battery in a portable computing device. This eliminates the need for a bulky and heavy battery within the fuel cell system, which can significantly reduce the size, weight and cost of the fuel cell system. This fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack which converts fuel into electrical power. It also includes a controller which controls operation of the fuel cell system. The fuel cell system additionally includes a power link that transfers electrical power between the fuel cell system and the portable computing device, and a communication link that provides communication between the portable computing device and the controller for the fuel cell system. The controller can regulate both the electrical power provided by the fuel cell system to the portable computing device and the electrical power provided by the rechargeable battery to the fuel cell system.

