
蘋果最新申請專利- 以iPhone、ipad鏡頭進行臉部辨識及分享資料

Apple 最新申請的專利顯示,未來採用iOS的電子裝置,只要兩行動裝置有攝影鏡頭的話即可進行資料的分享!例如,未來想分享音樂、照片等資料,可能只要對方的螢幕顯示出一個辨識條碼,就可用iphone的鏡頭掃描此裝置的條碼以作身分辨識,一旦確認身分後即可將檔案傳送給對方,甚至進一步登入此裝置,因此,此項發明不僅能解決以往用bluetooth建立兩裝置之間連線來分享資料的麻煩,甚至可進一步取代臉部辨識而登入一個特定的裝置。



This is directed to a digital handshake for establishing a secure communications path between two electronic devices. Each device can capture an image of the other device using a camera (e.g., a front facing camera or a back facing camera) and extract, from the captured image, a key or seed associated with the other device. For example, each device can display a seed to be identified from an image taken by the other device. Using the extracted keys or seeds, each device can generate, using a same process, an identical digital handshake key. The digital handshake key can then be used to define a secure communications path between the two devices and share information securely. In some embodiments, a digital handshake key can be shared among several devices to create a multi-device secure communications path. Once a communications path has been established, the devices in the path can be identified and authenticated from the digital handshake key to receive access to secured goods, services or information.

